Thursday, August 27, 2020
Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay Example For Students
Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education Essay In Paulo Firers paper on The Banking Concept of Education, he is a firm adherent of headway in todays instructing. He parts the methods for training Into two unmistakable social orders, the progressive and the persecution. Fire scrutinizes the current estimations of instruction, and contends to help his own, radical thoughts regarding how he accepts training should function. He looks at training to the financial framework and by doing so he is building up his own strategies and frameworks on the most proficient method to improve the instruction framework in our present reality. We will compose a custom article on Paulo Freires The Banking Concept of Education explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now In his article, Firers contentions against the training framework have been made very clear by tending to activities that should be made to better the eventual fate of our general public. Toward the start, he states how our present instruction framework Is methodical and how the educators are the describing subjects and the understudies are posting objects not realizing how to think or act on the planet today (Fire 318). He accepts, instruction is experiencing portrayal disorder, and that, In our present framework, words become an empty, distanced, and estranging verbosity to the understudies (318). He emphatically tells the deader how instruction is changing into a retention game. He states how an understudy will record and rehash for the educator, in any case, they won't gain the genuine information that will help them sometime down the road. He considers this procedure the financial idea of instruction (319). Paulo Fire is stating that the educator - understudy relationship is poor due to the way that the instructor is Just describing about the subject of which the understudies are Just tuning in and are not so much Involved. Fire expresses that as the educator Is portraying, the imprints experience difficulties understanding the portrayals in view of the words that the instructor expresses are to some degree unfamiliar to them. Fire makes an admirable statement as he modernizes this Interaction by contrasting It with utilizing the financial framework. He expresses that instruction in this way turns into a demonstration of storing, in which the understudies are vaults and the educator is the contributor (319). This demonstration of storing transforms the understudies mind Into containers to be recorded. He Indicates that through this framework understudies come up short on a feeling of innovativeness and information on their general surroundings. He clarifies that information is the premise to our understandings and disclosures that man Invents and builds up each day. Without this feeling of information or the drive to learn we would be left with the same old thing and everything would be left unfamiliar. His contention of training starts here in light of the fact that without a decent arrangement of instruction our headway to what's to come is in question. He utilizes the similitude store to speak to the way in which data is offered to the understudies. His Idea that the understudies are a vacant vessel Is at the mineral of the financial idea where the educational plan doesn't mull over the requirements of the understudies as libertarians, the methods by which people bargain Walt genuine TTY In letter a basic or imaginative way. He makes tans plant Decease In training today the data is picked by the instructor as the investor and saved into the understudy; the extent of activity permitted the understudy expands just to the extent accepting, recording and putting away; which the understudies calmly get, remember and rehash (319). The more an educator does this to his understudies the greater the truth is oaken away from them to gain proficiency with the genuine implications of life. This can be connected back to Firers contention against the instruction framework, since one can just retain things for such a long time, after that one will lose his actual reason on the planet. To conflict with the arrangement of instruction Fire has built up new strategies to turn the possibility of training diversion technique for instruction that Fire declares as an option in contrast to the financial idea is to urge understudies to address and seek after the world. He calls this his concern presenting technique on training (325). .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postImageUrl , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:visited , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active { border:0!important; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:active , .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-beautification: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u2033f87e18 16066f9a460ca0f85b17cc .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u2033f87e1816066f9a460ca0f85b17cc:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Life of an African-American Youth in Baltimore in Between the World and Me, a Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates EssayThis change in center is accustomed by a move in the understudy instructor relationship; the understudy gains from the educator, and the instructor gains from the understudies. This is where all perspectives and are analyzed and regarded. The target of this instructive example is to build up the ability to see fundamentally the manner in which an individual exist on the planet, with which and in which they get themselves; they come to see the world isn't as a static reality yet as a reality in process, in change (3 28). Without the improvement of this force, man can't encounter his actual occupation throughout everyday life. In his strategy he likewise states what number of don't seek after their inclinations or investigate the world. He calls this gathering of individuals the oppressor society (325). In this singular society many are left being in a bad way in the holders, and numerous teachers come in to control the lives of the mistreated. They are the mankind type of the financial idea. Nonetheless, Fire states how there are the chosen few that departure out into society and seek after their general surroundings. They would be viewed as todays designers and pioneers who change the lives of many. He considers this gathering the progressive society (325). They are the ones that speak with the world and reject the oppressors. He raises a valid statement by saying how instruction will later part the populace into two. Some will be masterminds who take their own ways and others will be devotees who do really what they are advised to do. Correspondence is the way in to the achievement in our instruction. Dependent on the techniques and ideas that Fire has concocted he would concur with this announcement and how it influences our learning and development of information. He states how one must try to vive with others in solidarity and how one must have an independent perspective and not relate back to his understudies. They do this by an arrangement of correspondence. A teacher of any sort must have an independent mind and not for their understudies. They have to know the genuine sentiments of their understudies to check whether their methods of educating are either helping or harming the understudies understandings of this present reality. Thinking for oneself interfaces with the real world and how retaining what the instructor expressed will just get you so far throughout everyday life. To break this financial idea the understudies and the educators need to monomaniac and communicate with each other for the both to prevail in all actuality. With the assistance of correspondence society can act more free inside the world that we live in today. As indicated by Firers techniques and his convictions, correspondence is the way to accomplishment in both the arrangement of instruction and in making due on the planet that we live in today. Ferules minutes all come to understanding Walt ten framework AT correspondence. Fire composes this from direct understanding about significant issues in instruction. He covers thoughts from the financial idea and understudy instructor connections to evolutionist through correspondence and the impacts instructive frameworks have on the idea of freedom. By doing so he sets up his own structure and method to improve instruction of today for our reality tomorrow. He accepts that nobody can be genuinely human while he keeps others from being so (330). This statement outlines his mankind and his inspiration to see training serve the oppressors, yet humankind overall. Work Cited . Fire, Paulo. The Banking Concept of Education. Boston, Massachusetts, Bedford/SST. Martins: 2006. Pages 318-331.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Parametric and Algorithmic Design: Faux Forms?
Parametric and Algorithmic Design: Faux Forms? Design is frequently polished in a world commanded by the many, the customer or the general population and by and large just comprehended by the couple of. Design has been generally ineffective at pushing ahead with the world regularly neglecting to relate and speak with social movements, changing lifestyles and the progression of innovation. Where other plan related practices, for example, the car business have bloomed, re seeded, re developed and recovered with shifts in the manner individuals live and the innovation of the present, design appears to have struggled. Therefore draftsmen as of now work in a domain utilizing extremely old innovations, with a customer advertise which maintains a strategic distance from dangers to individual addition at all expense and an open which regularly still observes the president seen in building history as the very type of a significant engineering future. The majority appear to be befuddled by the conceivable outcomes introduced by the potenti al outcomes of the present. Indeed, even individual specialists and scholastics inside the engineering control would have all the earmarks of being marginally shocked by the conceivable outcomes now accessible to us. On an innovative level, however the effect that these new methods mama have on the very nuts and bolts of building hypothesis and structure. This carries me to my inquiry Parametric and Algorithmic Design: Faux Forms or a Relevant Architecture? PC helped configuration changed many structure orientated callings, for example, the car and aeronautical ventures as far back as the 1980s when they were first appropriately created. An advanced insurgency maybe. Contrast this with engineering where creation configuration despite everything use strategies, hypothesis and information created during the mechanical insurgency. Despite the fact that the dominant part, if not all planners do utilize some type of PC supported structure strategies the limits can at present be driven further. Procedures, for example, BIM (building data displaying) are beginning to turn into a genuine power in engineering configuration in spots, for example, the USA. BIM is where the planner doesn't just draw a line similarly as with conventional drawing procedures or with projects, for example, AutoCAD (which to a degree, is essentially a computerized adaptation of a customary drawing) however rather when an engineer draws a line, he draws a divider, with t he likelihood to join this data with a boundless determination of properties be they size, cost, auxiliary or how they identify with different individuals in a structure. BIM starts to hand back the title of Master Craftsman to the planner, where the draftsman can perceive how configuration creates all in all and make changes in like manner. Parametric and algorithmic models are right now at the front line of the BIM compositional reasoning, they are the results of the couple of made utilizing propelled PC scripting procedures and exclusively composed bits of programming. Utilizing the most recent plan innovations accessible to us, consolidating this with the cutting edge materials and creation strategies frequently created in fields which have grasped the advanced upheaval all the more straightforwardly, parametric and algorithmic structure can start to challenge social, mechanical and recorded limits which modelers have perhaps neglected to completely challenge in the ongoing past . Parametric structure is a procedure based not n fixed metric amounts, for example, conventional plan however rather, based a reliable system of connections between singular articles, the blocks are unique yet they are associated with a similar bond. This permits changes to a solitary component while working with different segments inside a framework. Along these lines to that of parametric plan, improvements in scripting have took into account algorithmic structure procedures to progress. These permit complex structures to be developed from straightforward strategies while safeguarding explicit characteristics. In the most essential sense, a client characterizes a lot of rules, and the product would mastermind the structure as indicated by the principles. In the event that parametric plan is a strategy for control and control of structure components inside a system of any scale, algorithmic plan is a framework and articles creating complex structure dependent on straightforward segment rules. With the mix of these strategies, standards, current creation procedures and materials parametric and algorithmic structures can possibly push design, certain into the 21st century. Age old structural issues and hypothesis, for example, structure versus material and structure versus capacity can start to be comprehended in new manners, development times can be diminished, materials can be overseen all the more productively, and building characteristics can be improved altogether. In the investigation and examination of two tasks using parametric and algorithmic compositional structure standards, I plan to completely see how applicable these structures and strategies for creating design truly are when contrasted with their customary partners. I have chosen my models from furthest edges of the design scale size savvy, yet from a comparative group of customary open engineering type structure, examining how applicable the parametric structures are corresponding to various circumstances and settings. My first examination, takes a gander at a transitory venue situated inside the site of Corbusiers Carpenter Center A cooperation between engineering Firm MOS studios and craftsman Pierre Huyghe, chose for its really remarkable area and its contemporary play on the more conventional theater/structure/bandstand structure. Theaters are customarily terrific structures, for a great many years they have been a piece of human culture with structures as far back as old Greece despite everything found in theater plan. This combined with its band stand/park structure like size related with formal structures structure around the Victorian age made the undertaking especially fascinating. The test for MOS studios was to deliver an interpretation of the theater while responding properly to its area in what is an amazingly noticeable spot. The structure in fundamental structure is like that of any normal auditorium with raked seating, unhindered survey and excellent acoustics yet it was with the utilization of parametric procedures that a theater which relates to the individual states of the site has been delivered. The venue sits in the underbelly of the Carpenter Center by Le Corbusier, charged to recognize the 40th commemoration of the structure. Corbusiers Carpenter focus is the inside for the visual expressions at Harvard University, MA. Finished in 1942 the structure is the main structure finished by Corbusier in the United States of America and the last to be finished during his life time in spite of the fact that he never really visited the structure because of sick wellbeing. The structure compares with Corbusiers five purposes of design (as found in the Villa Savoye, France) with inside components, for example, the slope, a prevailing aspect, bursting out from within the structure giving a s molded walkway pr oceeding into the earth. Bended segments additionally reach out through the primary dividers of the structure in to the encompassing regions swinging to and from the pilotis which bolster them. This makes a progression of interpenetrating inside and outside occasions running along the promenade incline. Inside the structure of the Carpenter Center you can see the components of tasks spreading over the whole profession of Corbusier altered and adjusted into this structure. The manikin theater itself, similar to Corbusiers Carpenter Center, was planned with a lot of parameters or design rules if will. These parameters were gotten from a given brief and impediments of the space made by the Carpenter community itself. To abstain from harming the Carpenter Center no contact with either the roof or the structures supporting auxiliary frameworks was allowed. In this manner, fitting the manikin theater in the middle of these significant auxiliary hindrances got key. The draftsman has portrayed the performance center as an organ put in another host, it has a vibe comparable yet not actually that of a parasitic structure. Is appears not to be removing, draining from the Carpenter, however adding to it, giving it new life as if it truly is another organ, another heart. This symbolism is strengthened in the selection of materials for the theater, further communicating the vibe of new life. The principle self supporting structure is a polycarbonate, clad outwardly with a greenery. The greenery includes warmth and commotion protection, retaining sound from the close by road with sound quality being of principal significance in common sense of a working theater. Around evening time light from inside the auditorium gleams through the light polycarbonate greenery giving a green shine, as though it truly is another organ, another center point from which life stems into the Carpenter Center. The adjusted type of the auditorium was delivered however the parametric control of lengthened precious stone molded board units, every one individual in structure, every one associated through a similar arrangement of parameters. This parametric control was made through the impediments of site, the requirement for self supporting basic uprightness, the utilization and the limitations of manufacture forms during creation. A definitive structure is consequently made through an arrangement of investigation where the most productive structure was found utilizing the parametric framework. A large portion of the performance center was pre-assembled and gathered off site. The lengthened precious stones were intended to be delivered from a solitary level bit of polycarbonate limiting both assembling times and squandered materials. Every one of the 500 pieces was CAM cut, before being collapsed into three dimensional structures with guides penetrated toward associate every one of the preciou s stone structures. The whole structure could then be collected by interfacing the boards utilizing basic devices. The utilization of basic hand devices implied that the performance center could quickly be amassed and masked, reasonable to the brief idea of the structure, it was basic that the structure couldn't just be camouflaged, yet left no changeless hint of its development o
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write Postpartum Essay Sample Essays
How to Write Postpartum Essay Sample EssaysIf you have been assigned to write a postpartum essay, you have probably seen a large number of article comparison essay samples in your emails. This is common and you can choose to write your own essay or learn to write the ones that are provided to you. But first, you should understand the difference between them.Postpartum article comparisons are examples of sample essays. There are so many great resources that you can use to help you in writing these, but don't worry if you aren't great at writing. The best postpartum articles will be short and sweet. They should be used as a tool to help you through this stressful time.Essay samples should be written to complement the topic of the essay. The selection of article examples for your essay should be based on what you are writing about. For example, if you are writing an essay on breastfeeding, you might want to read some more essay examples on breastfeeding. However, if you are writing a fi rst-time mother essay, you may want to start with postpartum essay examples. There are plenty of ideas and options for you to choose from, so you may find yourself having a little trouble deciding what type of essay to write.First, you must determine how many words you are going to use for your essay. If you are only allowed three hundred words, you may want to take a look at the essay examples that are provided by the company that gives you the sample. Then, you will need to begin to write the essay from that point of view.It is important to remember that you are allowed a lot of freedom when writing an essay. That means that you should be allowed to include as much information as you want. You can include notes, charts, graphs, pictures, lists, etc. When you add all of this information together, you should end up with an essay that will be an outstanding read.As you learn to write the postpartum essay samples that are provided to you, you will want to go back and check to make sur e that all of the information is included. You want to make sure that your essay will contain all of the necessary information. For example, you will want to be sure that the reader has enough details about the baby. You should also make sure that your student has sufficient material to support all of the points that you want to make. For example, if you want to explain how to deal with a new baby, you should consider including three to four sentences about each topic.If you have already learned how to write the essay, you should keep in mind that your student is learning. You don't want to bore them. To accomplish this, it is important to allow them to fully experience the essay, while being able to write about it as well. If you are doing this on your own, it is imperative that you get feedback from someone else to make sure that you are putting together a great essay.After writing your essay, make sure that you send it out to at least three different companies. One of these compa nies will make sure that your essay is fully proofread and reviewed before it is sent out. By doing this, you will ensure that your essay gets read and that your company will get good business!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Toys as Role Models - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1094 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Business Essay Type Argumentative essay Topics: Children Essay Did you like this example? Toys as Role Models Judy Attfield, who holds a PhD in history and design, has written numerous articles in relation to design history. Her articles, often written in a formal and informative style, concentrate on parenting and family issues. Citing the differences in the maneuverability designs of Barbie and Action Man, which embody the stereotypical cliche of feminine passivity and masculine activity respectively, â€Å"Barbie and Action Man: Adult toys for girls and boys, 1959-93†(P. Kirkham (Ed. ), The Gendered Object (80-89). Manchester: Manchester University Press) by Judy Attfield argues that children are not only able to subvert toy’s stereotypical meanings but also create fantasies of their own. Targeting the general public in her article, Attfield starts off by giving compelling insights into a societal trend termed â€Å"androgyny†. This trend that she mentions, combines both femininity and masculinity into one and is said to be raving in to day’s society. However, in the latter portion of the essay, Attfield failed to elaborate on this trend. Instead, readers are led into a discussion on gender-stereotype propagating Barbie and Action Man, which contradicts her thoughts on androgyny. Even though fashion dolls like Barbie are designed for dressing and posing, and action figures like Action Man, for physical manipulation, Attfield claims that toy design does not dictate how a child plays with it. Instead, play is subjected to a child’s creativity and does not necessarily affect his or her actions and thoughts on gender stereotypes. She backs her claim by citing the following example â€Å"a number of informants recalled, in their play it was Barbie who was most often given the role of ‘bad girl’. †(Attfield, 1996: 86). Simply put, Barbie, a toy originally meant to project innocence, can be given an immoral role through creativity. However, her view that toys do not instill gender stereotypes is unjustifiable. Toys largely influence a child’s understanding of gender stereotypes, as they adore them as role models to follow. I will focus on how Attfield fails to take into consideration the supporting role of parents and the media in creating these role models that shape gender stereotype in today’s society. Since its release in the global market during the 1960s, Barbie and Action Man have been at the forefront of toy popularity indices. Not only have they topped sales chart, they have also become symbolic toys for our generation. On the other hand, alternative toys like â€Å"Happy to be me Doll†and â€Å"Adventurer†, both variants of Barbie and Action Man, have not met the level of popularity achieved by their predecessors (Attfield, 1996). This is largely because children simply love the ready-made characteristics of Barbie and Action Man. This could mean, that playing â€Å"Happy to be me Doll†as Barbie, or  "Adventurer†as Action Man is either utterly unappealing or perhaps, unthought-of. The statistical fact on the popularity of Barbie and Action Man suggests that a child’s interest in toys is based on the perceivable characteristics given to them. Children are attracted to the characteristics that popular toys possess and wish to attain or at least experience them through role-play. The characteristics associated with the two toys under scrutiny are Barbie’s passivity and image as a petite young model, glamourized through fashion and beauty, and Action Man’s action-filled role as a soldier who is full of valor in the battlefield. Considering how Barbie and Action Man objectify gender as ‘adult’ dolls (Attfield, 1996), it can be inferred that Barbie and Action Man have become children’s role models for their respective gender, thereby instilling the stereotypes of feminine passivity and masculine activity into them. In addition, Att field failed to take into consideration the supporting role of parents in shaping gender notions among children through toys. Since children do not have the financial ability to purchase toys, the sales of Barbie and Action Man can be ascribed to their parents despite Attfield’s claim that parents disapprove of these toys (Attfield, 1996). Children may perceive this parental act of purchase as a sign of parental approval of the characteristics that the toys may contain. Children may then be influenced into thinking that Barbie and Action Man, with their projection of gender stereotypes, are desirable role models to follow. Another point that Attfield neglected is the role of the media in shaping a child’s understanding of gender differences. The media is a powerful medium of influence. It is an endless source of information that is easily accessible to people of all ages. Although no one can wholly determine that a child’s behaviour is derived from the media, it is clear that children learn by imitating people and the surroundings around them. Hence, we should not overlook the possibility that a child’s fantasy may stem from watching commercials and shows that are targeted at him. As a result of overlooking the influence of media, Attfield did little to explain the origins of a child’s fantasy, which may be a product of media rather than pure creativity. The broadcast of commercials targeted at children may promote the characteristics of the toys in question, consequently shaping a child’s understanding of gender stereotypes. These are backed by â€Å"Television advertising positioned in children’s programmes and purposely directed at girls rather than parents contributed to making Barbie a best-seller†(Attfield, 1996: 85) and â€Å"’as poseable as you are’ claimed the advertisements. †(Attfield, 1996: 84). Furthermore, the media plays a huge part in propagating gender ster eotypes. Being a messenger of cultural changes, the media reports societal trends through different mediums like the television or magazine. Some trends alter society’s gender perceptions and translate into toy designs that strive to be coherent with gender norms. Throughout the article, Attfield ignored the impact that the media has on toy design. Though she provided substantial information on the amount of maneuverability given to Barbie and Action Man, and its consequent portrayal of gender stereotypes, she failed to realise that these stereotypes are now gender norms in today’s society. Therefore, the combination of media influence, popularity and parental approval of these toys shows how gender stereotypical meanings of toys heavily influence a child’s understanding of gender roles as they are widely accepted as role models in today’s society. In summary, the toys a child role-plays with do affect his or her understanding of gender roles. It ma y be the gender-stereotype propagating Barbie and Action Man, or the violent but humorous teenage turtles (Attfield, 1996), as children constantly explore and adore new fantasies created by the media that are reflective in toys as role models to follow. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Toys as Role Models" essay for you Create order
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Reading Land Of Open Graves By De Leon Essay - 1906 Words
In the reading land of open graves by De Leon, discusses the dangers that millions of Mexican and central Americans face when trying to get into the United States undocumented. These people include people who have the dream of living in America and creating a new life where they can support their families. Also for those who have been deported back to Mexico being separated from their families and are in hopes of being reunited with their loved ones. These people face a hard battle ahead of them because they have to travel through the Sonoran desert of Arizona that is one of the largest deserts in North America. And have to deal with not only fighting the harsh desert elements, while only caring as many supplies as they can. They also have to deal with the structural violence that goes under looked that thousands of Mexicans have to face while migrating to the United States. De Leon’s purpose of this book is to enhance our understanding of the process of undocumented desert mi gration. Intending to challenge preconceived notions about what a holistic anthropology can look like and how it can be deployed in a politically hostile terrain. He does this by showing how productive it can be to sneak back and forth across the border between â€Å"accepted†discourse and excluded discourse in the name of generating new knowledge and new forms of cultural understanding. He goes over almost every aspect about how hard it is for the millions of Mexicans attempting to cross undocumented.Show MoreRelatedThe Land Of Open Graves : Living And Dying On The Migrant Trail1813 Words  | 8 Pagestrace your lineage to claim the right to live in this country? Author Jason De Leon aims to answer questions like this in his book, The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail . De Leon, an anthropologist and expert in the field, took it upon himself to study the paths of immigrants coming into America through the Sonoran desert region in southern Arizo na over the course of the last decade. De Leon walks in the footsteps of the disenfranchised fleeing their country from theRead MoreEssay on The American Christian Holocausts5005 Words  | 21 PagesPeoples). Hitler himself often expressed his admiration for the expediency in which the American Christians removed the Native Americans and gave them mass graves like the one in Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Have you ever heard the words American Holocaust(s) before? As I read about history I was drawn to the Indian Wars. One day I began reading Dee Browns book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. I was shocked by what I read. I had never been taught these things, yet this history seemed so importantRead MoreIntroduction to Rizal Course11998 Words  | 48 PagesCirila Alejandrino, serving as Riza’s grandfather. Juan and Cirila had 14 children, one of whom was Francisco Mercado, Rizal’s father who married Teodora Alonzo. Rizal’s father was an erudite man. He took courses in Latin and Philosophy at Colegio de San Jose in Manila. For Rizal, his father was a model father because of his honesty, industry and prudence. Rizal inherited from his father self – respect, sere nity and poise, seriousness and a deep sense of dignity. On the other hand, from his motherRead MoreSwami Vivekananda14669 Words  | 59 Pages6 Death | | | 2 Principles and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda | | 3 Works of Swami Vivekananda | | 4 Interaction with contemporary giants | | 5 Quotes of Swami Vivekananda | | 6 Trivia avout Swami Vivekananda | | 7 Recommended Reading | | Biography of Swami Vivekananda Birth and Early life Narendranath Dutta was born in Shimla Pally, Kolkata, West Bengal, India on 12 January 1863 as the son of Viswanath Dutta and Bhuvaneswari Devi. Even as he was young, he showed a precociousRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages................................................................... 517 Good Evidence ............................................................................................................................... 518 A Cautious Approach with an Open Mind ................................................................................ 519 Discovering Causes, Creating Explanations, and Solving Problems...................................... 521 Confirming by Testing ...........................Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesselect their eText by title or author and purchase immediate access to the content for the duration of the course using any major credit card. With CourseSmart eText, students can search for specific keywords or page numbers, make notes online, print reading assignments that incorporate lecture notes, and bookmark important passages for later review. For more information, or to purchase a CourseSmart eTextbook, visit Pearson’s Self-Assessment Library (S.A.L.) A hallmark of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Topic Of Free Will - 1659 Words
The topic of free will is an interesting and thought-provoking debate. As a child, I always believed that I had freedom to make my own choices, but now I am not so sure. To start, we must first define the term ‘free will.’ According to the Oxford English Dictionary, free will is â€Å"spontaneous or unconstrained will†or the â€Å"inclination to act without suggestion from others†(â€Å"free will†). There are four major views on the topic of free will. One is fatalism which is the view that all things are determined to happen but prior events do not influence these events. Another view, determinism, is the belief that all choices are already established due to prior events. The compatibilist view is one where determinism and free will can coexist. And the last is libertarianism, the belief that we have free will and nothing determines the choices that we make (Class Notes). Philosophers like Barron Holbach (determinists) argue that there is no suc h thing as free will, while William James (libertarian) and G.E. Moore (compatibilist) beg to differ. I agree with Moore and the compatibilist view. Baron Holbach held the view that we have no free will. He was a materialist and determinist meaning he defended the view that â€Å"everything is subjected to laws of nature.†The view that human beings are subjected to the laws of nature shows that there is no freedom to make choices because we just follow what nature commands of us. He stated that â€Å"actions are a consequence of temperament, receivedShow MoreRelatedDifferences in Dialect when Allowing Students Free-reign to Choose the Topic of Conversation890 Words  | 4 PagesWhen talking with friends or people that you’re just comfortable with in general, most of the time you may say some things you wouldn’t dare say in front of a parent or teacher. However, for this assignment we had the chance to have free reign over the topic, how we expressed ourselv es and the extent that it was taken. The conversation flowed like running water and was never stagnant. We were able to have lengthy discussions about real issues that mattered to us, and not talk about something fromRead MoreFree Writing Is A Common Issue Among Beginner Writers985 Words  | 4 Pagescalled free writing. Free writing is a form of pre-writing. It is important to become familiar with this technique. Most English professors’ use this tool to assist their students with organizing their creative thought. In this essay, I will reveal the true meaning behind the mastery of free writing. Writer s Block is a common issue amongst beginner writers. The ability to write freely takes practice. An exercise that may help you to organize your thought process is called free writing. 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Free papers downloaded from essay databases and essay sites can be easily detected by plagiarism detection systems and sofwares. You can find a lot of resources and sites with databases of free sample papers and free example papers on any topic. You can use these free collegeRead MoreFree will vs. Determinism1124 Words  | 5 PagesFree will vs. determinism is an argument as complex, intertwined, and co-dependent as nature vs. nurture or the age-old question of whether it was the chicken or the egg that came first. Philosophers have contemplated the question for ages, and arrived at no satisfactory answer. While considering which topic to address for this assignment, I posed the question of free will vs. determinism to a philosopher friend, whose response was â€Å"I don’t care.†He feels that the question is not worth asking
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
AVEO Company for Journal of Financial Management- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAVEO Company for Journal of Financial Management. Answer: Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) depicts a companys financial position in (miles Ezzell, 2012)consideration to its ability to finance innovative projects or other payments by raising cash from external sources. These sources appear in two main classes: stocks and bonds. The two have distinct costs to the firm, and WACC is a subjective average of the entire price of getting funds via debit and equity. Suggestion of Aveo group WACC Recent research shows a considerable decrease in cumulative percentage of Aveo group Weighted Average Cost of Capital. According to 2016 statistics the group WACC was recorded to have declined to a percentage of 3.4.The decline brought about several suggestions to the financial analysts. Briefly, the suggestions attempt to explain the reasons which might have led to this considerable decline(Pricing Tribunal, 2013). The company might have lowered the price of issuing equity Price of equity basically is used by financial analysts to refer to the stockholders required return rate on the company equity investment. It similarly depicts the return rate that would have been realized by investing the cash in a different venture with an equivalent risk level. Price of equity is a crucial factor of stock analysis. An investor will always expect an equity share to propagate by at least the price of equity; price of equity is commonly used as concession rate to compute an equity ventures fair price. Considering the Aveo group scenario, lowering the terms of issuing equity will attract investors and this might have been the reason behind the decline in the average WACC(Arditti Levy, 2014). The company might have reduced the price of debt Price of debt basically denotes the rate at which a company recompenses its current debt. In most cases, it is used to refer to the after-tax price of debt; it can also denote to a firms price of debt before putting taxes into consideration. This measure is essential for giving a notch on the overall rate in the process of payment by a company using debt financing. The measure gives investors an insight on the company risk in comparison to the others; riskier companies usually have a greater cost of debt. Lowering the price of debt by the Aveo group might have attracted potential investors and hence reducing the WACC(Arditti, 2015) . The WACC is settled through intricate calculations and conventions about the different types of capital (debt and equity) used by Aveo group to fund its operations. Costs are restrained against approximate risk elements. Greater subsidy costs and greater risks create a greater WACC. A lesser WACC increases incomes because the company can borrow cheaply(Brusov, et al., 2011). Calculating the WACC The formula is: WACC = E / (E + D) * Cost of Equity + D / (E + D) * Cost of Debt * (1 - Tax Rate) Weights Companys possessions are funded by both debts and equity. For that reason, in calculating the companys WACC the burden of equity and the burden of debt must be considered first. The equity market value of Aveo group also known as the Market Cap has been recorded as $M 1,388.The value of debt in the market typically being hard to compute, this paper uses the book figures of debt to carry out the calculations. According to the book value $0(Bourdex Long, 2013). a)Weight of equity = E / (E + D) = 1,388 / (1,388 + 0) = 1 b) weight of debit = D / (E + D) = 0 / (1,388} + 0) = 0 Price of Equity: This paper makes use of CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) model to compute the required return rate. The formula used is: price of Equity = Risk-Free Rate of Return + Beta of Asset * (Expected Return of the Market - Risk-Free Rate of Return) (Linke Kim, 2013) a) The paper evaluates a 10-Year Reserves Perpetual Maturity Rate as the risk-free rate. The current risk-free rate of Aveo group is 2.41000000% b) Beta refers to the volatility of the anticipated surplus asset paybacks to the anticipated surplus market paybacks. Aveo group beta is 3.15 c). This paper considers the market premium of Aveo group to be 20%. Price of Equity = 41000000%+ 3.15 * 20% = 63.241% The Price of Debt: The research uses last fiscal year end expenses on interest and divide them by the two year average debt to attain a simplified cost of debt; Cost of Debt = 0 / 0 = %. Multiply by one minus Average Tax Rate: The paper makes use of the current 2-year tax rate for computation. The current 2-year Average Rate of Tax is 0% The Aveo group WACC can hence be computed as: WACC = E / (E + D) * Cost of Equity + D / (E + D) * Cost of Debt * (1 - Tax Rate) = 1 * 63.241% + 0 * % * (1 - 0%) = 63.241% Lowering the WACC Considering all the different components forming the weighted average cost of capital is the initial step to making efforts to lower it. With consideration to debt, firms can lower their cost of giving bonds by reducing the rates of interest they offer to the investors. They become more creditworthy as a result: Firms with bad credit ratings are forced to offer greater rates on bonds. The firm can also move to a location with a greater tax rate, but this is perhaps counterproductive(Ross, et al., 2013). In regards to equity, a firm that offers stocks with small beta is a reduced amount of risky to the investors and consequently can offer small of a risk premium. The other components, the threat-free premium and the overall market risk, are outside of the firms control(Reilly Wecker, 2014). Aveo group capital arrangement The capital structure refers to how a company funds its general activities and development making use of different sources of reserves. Debt emerges in bond form issued or extended-term cash payable, whereas equity is classified as common/ preferred stock or reserved earnings(Nantell Carlson, 2015). Analysis of Aveo group Capital structure Aveo group capital structure as per the recent research has indicated an ill proportion of equity to asset proportion. This simply shows that the company relies largely on debt capital as compared to its equity. Since a healthy proportion of equity capital indicates that a company is financially fit, this trend of Aveo group to rely mainly on debt is a clear indication that the company is financially unfit(Titman Wessels, 2013). Appropriate capital structure recommendation for Aveo group The word capital structure is used to exemplify the proportionate connection between the numerous long-term categories of capital schedules the equity, debentures, inclination shares, long- term liability, capital excess, and reserved earnings. For a capital structure to be termed as appropriate, it must meet some important features(Brusov, et al., 2011), Flexibility The impression of adaptability gives the back administrator the ability to adjust the company's capital structure with a base cost and deferral, if justified by the changed condition. It ought to likewise be workable for the organization to give reserves at whatever point expected to back its productive exercises(Bourdex Long, 2013). Profitability A sound capital structure should allow the greatest utilization of use at least cost in order to give better productivity and consequently expanding profit per share(Nantell Carlson, 2015). Solvency Broad obligation debilitates the dissolvability and FICO score of the organization. The obligation financing ought to be just to the degree that it can be overhauled completely and furthermore be paid back (if required)(Brusov, et al., 2011). Conservatism No organization ought to surpass its obligation limit. As of now clarified that the intrigue is to be paid on obligation and the foremost aggregate is likewise to be paid. These installments rely upon future money streams. In the event that future money streams are not adequate then the money indebtedness can prompt lawful bankruptcy(Evans Kelvin, 2014). Control The capital arrangement ought not to prompt loss of regulation in an organization. The Proposed capital structure for Aveo group The Optimal capital structure An optimum capital arrangement is the best debt-to-equity ratio for Aveo Group in order to maximize its value. The optimum capital arrangement adoption by the Aveo group will offer a balance between the companys ideal debts to equity level and minimize its price of capital. Theoretically, debt funding offers the lowest price of capital because of the tax deductibility(Brusov, et al., 2011). Risky associated with optimum capital structure In monetary terms, debt is a moral instance of the reputed 2-edged sword. Intelligent utilization of debt upsurges the aggregate of monetary assets available to a firm for its advance and enlargement. The postulation is that management can get additional on loan reserves than it recompenses in interest expenditures and charges on these reserves. Though, as effective as this formula may appear, it requires a firm to uphold a solid record of conforming to its numerous borrowing obligations(Bourdex Long, 2013). A company reflected to have high debts may find its liberty of actions limited by its creditors and its productivity offended as a consequence of repaying high interest costs. Of course, the situation is considered to be worst-case if the company faces distress meeting functioning and debt obligations in times of hostile economic circumstances. Lastly, Aveo group being a highly competitive firm, shuffled by huge debt, will find its opponents taking advantage of its hitches to seize large market shares(Harris Raviv, 2015). Dividend policy Because dividends signify a form of revenue for investors, a company's dividend policy is an essential contemplation for some investors. Intrinsically, it is crucial consideration for company management, particularly because firm leaders are often the prime shareholders and have the most to advance from a substantial dividend policy. Most firms consider a dividend policy as a fundamental part of the company strategy. Board must resolve on the dividend extent, timing and some other factors that impact dividend overheads over time. There are three categories of dividend policies: stable, constant and residual dividend policy(Titman Wessels, 2013). The current analysis based on the Aveo group Analysis of Aveo group has shown an ill trend based on the dividend practices, this is depicted by its percentage stand of 3.91%. this is a low stand basically(Brusov, et al., 2011). Dividend pattern and policy followed by the Aveo group Stable Dividend Policy This is the easiest and most frequently used policy by many organizations. The policy goal is to achieve steady and foreseeable dividend disbursements every year, which is what many investors really like(Teshtesh Titus, 2013). When remunerations are up, shareholders get a dividend. Still when remunerations are down, investors as well receive a dividend. The goal is to support the dividend policy with the long-term advance of the firm rather than with periodical earnings instability. This approach permits the investor to have more confidence around the amount and scheduling of the dividend. Analysis on Aveo group share price and company performance Aveo Group's share price according to recent research shows its below the impending cash flow worth, and at a substantial discount of below 20 percent. Dividends per stake has gone down over the previous 10 years(Evans Kelvin, 2014). General decline in Share prices There have been falls in the general share prices in the Aveo group. The stock market is pretty impulsive, upsurge and decline in the share prices wont shake its general business directly. Conversely, if there is a constant decline in share prices(Brusov, et al., 2011), it may discourage the firm from supplying more shares to increase revenue. For example, in the climate of stock market instability, firms wouldnt have much assurance in supplying more shares as they would get a low profit. A large decline in share prices may cause broader economic hitches. Underperforming Shares Afirm may see a sharp fall in share value with respect to different firms (rest of money markets). This will happen if speculators are not hopeful about prospect of firm to make benefit and pay great profit. e.g. in the event that firm makes an extensive misfortune it won't have the capacity to pay a profit to investors and this makes the offer less appealing(Bourdex Long, 2013). This decline in the offer cost could make the company powerless beside an assume control. This would apt an alteration in proprietorship. The new management may decide to adjust the approach for dealing with the organization. They could sale unfruitful parts of the corporate and significantly change things(Arditti, 2015). Work cited Arditti, 2015. The weighted average cost of capital:some questions and its definition, interpretation and use. journal of finance, Volume 654, pp. 34-45. Arditti Levy, 2014. The weighted average cost of capital as a cutoff rate, a critical analysis of weighted average. journal of financial management, Volume 567, pp. 234-254. Bourdex Long, 2013. weighted average cost of capital as a cutoff rate; a further analysis. s.l.:s.n. Brusov, Filatova, Orehova Brusova, 2011. weighted average cost of capital in the theory of modigliani-miller, modified for finite lifetime company. journal of applied economics, Volume 234, p. 56. Evans Kelvin, 2014. corporate perfomance analysis. journal of recent finance states, Volume 8765, p. 564. Harris Raviv, 2015. The theory of capital structure. journal of finance, Volume 254, p. 34. Linke Kim, 2013. More on weighted average cost of capital: a comment and analysis. journal of financial and quantitative analysis, Volume 987, p. 345. miles Ezzell, 2012. the weighted average cost of capital, perfect capital markets and project life. journal of financial and quantitative analysis, Volume 2345, pp. 123-145. Nantell Carlson, 2015. The cost of capital as weighted average. journal of finance, Volume 567, p. 76. Pricing Tribunal, 2013. Weighted average cost of capital. journal of economics, Volume 765, pp. 123- 345. Reilly Wecker, 2014. On the weighted average cost of capital. journal of financial and quantitative analysis, Volume 876, p. 234. Ross, Westerfield Jaffe, 2013. Corporate finance. s.l.:s.n. Teshtesh Titus, 2013. the basics of dividend policy. journal of corporate finance, Volume 453, p. 34. Titman Wessels, 2013. choices of capital structure in the economy analysis. journal of finance, Volume 453, p. 45. Titman Wessels, 2013. determinants of capital structure choice. journal of finance, Volume 1097, p. 543.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Internet Change Our Life free essay sample
This is how, sometimes, some people fall prey of some sort an online dating sites from which encounters can be as dangerous as criminals. In Fact, just as practically in any aspect of life, there are folks out there who will use the internet as their primary means of getting new acquaintances. However, some of these new acquaintances can be potentially dangerous. The internet is considered to be a venue through which people otherwise extraordinary reserved and diverse may communicate with convenience. The idea of meeting people on the internet as correspondents is very fascinating and easy; however, discerning any real information about these new acquaintances is difficult, just not to say close to impossible. Now that most people can just sign up into a website and meet people off the internet, what are some of the dangers associated with meeting people electronically? Whether people have decided to meet other people through the use of commercial dial-up services, commercial or free chat lines, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels, online dating services, newsgroup , or in any other electronic way, people still should be aware of the possible dangers of interaction when conversations turn into personal directions . We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Change Our Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Section 1: my web research What have I learnt so far? So I learnt that it requires lot of concentration and peace in the mind before a writer or a researcher can actually come with the final research question. Even though it may sound easy, the search for our research question requires attention to details. Now that I came with my research question, I have a better sense of getting things done when I stay focus, but even better, I have a better sense of what I do not know and that I need to know in order to be successful in my final research paper. I also learnt that the web is our best friend when it comes to start a research paper, however, the information provided can be overloaded, so we need to be careful on what we choose to scan or read also we need to be aware of the malicious sites that are standing out there just to get us trapped. One other thing that I also learnt is that we are our own limits; we set the limits to ourselves. The information we, most of the tine, need is all there. We just need to harness ourselves with a strong desire and go after it. Finally, starting my research paper has given me a greater sense of can do attitude and a better understanding of how to get started and how to get ahead when things seem to be nowhere to be reached. Did I stumble? You bet I did, but what I stumbled upon was a means to get me stronger and a means that impacted me with a greater sense of awareness of what is available to me and how I can make use of available so I can conduct a research question more efficiently and effectively. I have used the following resources: 1) http://star. xstate. edu/node/524, 2) http://www. police. ufl. edu/community-services/potential-dangers-encountered-on-the-internet/ and 3) Virtually You, a book by Elias Aboujaoude. Section 2: my news research The news source seem to present major obstacles, but with a willingness to get what I wanted I was able to find an appropriate article that is of major concerns of my topic research question. I navigated through a series of news sources, but the Los Angeles Times was the one that provided me with what I was looking for. How can I actually describe what I have learnt from the Los Angeles Times? I have learnt a great deal of information on how to obtain related information about my research topic question using the Los Angeles Times. I just had to play with some of the key words from my Topic research question before I get to the intelligence that I wanted, but the bottom line is I got to it. When I was looking for something very specific to my subject, the Los Angeles Times was very beneficial for me in that aspect. So, this particular article is from the Los Angeles Times http://www. latimes. com/business/la-fi-obama-hacking-20130314,0,2583428. story . I will make use of this article to gather up intelligence to furnish my research question. Final Section: Assessment of appropriateness of sources for use in my final paper As I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I found so many sources for my topic research question. I was able to read through them all and I found out that at least three of these sources could potentially be of sufficient quality to be part of my final paper. First of all this site talk about my topic â€Å"http://star. txstate. edu/node/524†great source for input in my subject; also the site â€Å"http://www. police. ufl. edu/community-services/potential-dangers-encountered-on-the-internet/†is major source of intelligence related to my subject and finally the news source â€Å" The Los Angeles Times†is of major importance when it comes to my subject, because this articles addressed a major cyber-attack that happened recently. All in all, using these source, I can firly state that I am in good standing for my final paper.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Nanotyrannus - Facts and Figures
Nanotyrannus - Facts and Figures Name: Nanotyrannus (Greek for tiny tyrant); pronounced NAH-no-tih-RAN-us Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 17 feet long and half a ton Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; forward-facing eyes; sharp teeth About Nanotyrannus When the skull of Nanotyrannus (tiny tyrant) was discovered in 1942, it was identified as belonging to another dinosaur, Albertosaurusbut upon closer study, researchers (including the famous maverick Robert Bakker) speculated that it might have been left by an entirely new genus of tyrannosaur. Today, opinion is divided into two camps: some paleontologists believe Nanotyrannus indeed deserves its own genus, while others insist that its a juvenile of Tyrannosaurus Rex, or some other established tyrannosaur genus. Further complicating matters, its possible that Nanotyrannus wasnt a tyrannosaur at all, but a dromaeosaur (the class of small, carnivorous, bipedal dinosaurs better known to the general public as raptors). Usually, additional fossil specimens help to clarify matters, but no such luck with Nanotyrannus. In 2011, word leaked out about the discovery of a complete Nanotyrannus specimen, unearthed in close proximity to an unidentified ceratopsian (horned, frilled dinosaur). This has led to all kinds of fruitless speculation: did Nanotyrannus hunt in packs to bring down larger prey? Were its unusually long hands (rumored to be even longer than those of the full-grown T. Rex specimen Tyrannosaurus Sue) a unique adaptation to its ecosystem? The trouble is that this putative Nanotyrannus specimen, nicknamed Bloody Mary, remains in private hands, and has not been made available for expert analysis.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Introduction to international relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Introduction to international relations - Essay Example Sometimes it is considered as a whirlwind that brings disruptive and relentless changes that result in some unique social, economic, environmental and cultural problems that make the governments helpless (Brittan, 1998, pp 1-2). Sovereignty, on the other hand is a very important concept which is also not an easy one to describe. Sovereignty, in simple words can be defined as the quality that allows one to have independent and supreme authority over a particular geographic region. Globalisation is one of such powers that have challenged the concept of state sovereignty. The principle objective of this paper is to identify and analyse the effect of globalisation on the state sovereignty. The question, ‘has globalization undermined the concept of state sovereignty?’ will be tried to be properly answered in this paper. In the process of doing so it is crucial to have a clear idea about both ‘globalisation’ and ‘sovereignty’. This paper is attempted to give a brief but clear understanding regarding both the concept and then it tries to analyse the fact whether globalisation has weakened the concept of state sovereignty. Globalisation Globalisation is perhaps the most popular terms in the recent time. ... There are experts who believe that the term ‘globalisation’ may be a new one but the main concept and context are not. For instance, the economic integration among various economies of the world has been going on over the past fifty years. Organisations like GATT and WTO are actually the results of such integration (Gangopadhyay, Chatterji, 2005, pp 57-58). During the period of 1960-70 one of the most widely discussed subjects was the growth of different multinational corporations in terms of change in their operational mode i.e. from domestic to international. In simple words it can be said that globalisation is nothing but a new name which is given to the most recent sequence of internationalisation. According to David Colander, the most significant incident that has led to arise of the concept of globalisation is the breakdown of Soviet Union. This breakdown created a situation where intergovernmental relations started to focus on the economic aspects rather than on t he political aspects (Gangopadhyay, Chatterji, 2005, pp 57-58). Business organisations also started to take people from other countries into consideration as their potential customers. Governments also began to understand the importance of investments from foreign organisations to their economies and started to withdraw various restrictions regarding trade. With the gradual removal of different barriers entire globe started to emerge as a single market for the business organisations and as a result of this, ‘internationalisation’ started to turn into ‘globalisation’. Almost all the economies in the world are greatly impacted by the globalisation. Areas like investment, production and employment
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Confidentiality in Relation to Nursing Practice Essay
Confidentiality in Relation to Nursing Practice - Essay Example One of the major ethical aspects that nurses should adopt is confidentiality. In relations to nursing practice, confidentiality depicts that any information about the health situation of the patient should be shared with other nurses and third parties only after the approval of the person under care. However, if the nurses perceive that the information is vital in preserving life and needs to be released to third parties, they are still allowed to release it without necessarily seeking the permission of the patients. This paper seeks to discuss the aspect of confidentiality in relation to nursing practice. Confidentiality in relation to nursing practice As indicated in the introduction part, the consent of a patient is vital as far as releasing of information that relates to his or her health is concerned. This means that nurses should take adequate precaution to ensure that information related to their patients is safeguarded. One of the key issues that nurses should not ignore is r espect of the right of each individual to the privacy of the information. This means that a person should be allowed to have a significant control over the use of the information. In the same way, patients should be allowed to disclose and access all the information that relates to their health. ... In this regard, nurses should adhere to such laws so at to propagate professional relationship that is vital in the provision of effective health care. Another fundamental aspect that is covered by the confidentiality is that if other individuals who are involved in the provision of health care do not maintain confidentiality during their duties, nurses especially those who directly deal with the patients should intervene (Armstrong, 2007). It is important to note that lack of team work among the providers of health care is a major factor that is detrimental to maintenance of confidentiality in the nursing profession. Thus, it is imperative for hospital nurses to train their colleagues on the importance of safeguarding the information that relates to individuals under care. Legislation relating to confidentiality in the nursing practice The section below discusses some of the major legislations that guides hospital nurses during the duties. Data Protection Act of 1998 Data Protection Act of 1998 regulates the processing of the information that relates to patients who are alive. The Act, that covers all types of media including the electronics forms and paper records, governs processing, recording, obtaining, and disclosing of the information by the nurses (Tuckett, 2004). Embryology and Human Fertilization Act of 1990 This legislation seeks to control the provision of reproductive services using the modern technology. For example, nurses are banned from disclosing the information relating to gamete donors to the third parties (McHale & Gallagher, 2003). According to International Council of Nurses (2000), nurses should not disclose the identity of the individuals who are using the technology reproductive services.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Causes and Impacts of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Causes and Impacts of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic and generally progressive disorder of unknown origin which affects connective tissues. RA is commonly manifested by inflammation of the synovial membrane of joints, immobility and general fatigue (1). Concurrent and symmetric polyarticular inflammation, which is its first clinical symptom, initially involves the small joints in the hands and feet (2). RA knows no geographical or racial boundaries and may occur at any stage of life. Its prevalence and incidence increases with age (3). According to other studies, its global prevalence rate is reported as 1% and such rate is the same worldwide (2, 4). According to the World Health Organizations 2002 annual report, RA accounts for 0.8% of total years lived with disability. Besides, the mortality rate of people affected is twice than that of general population at the same age. Also, the rate of its prevalence is significantly increasing in the recent years (2, 5). Furthermore, women are more likely to develop such disease than men as 70% of the patients suffering from RA are women. The disease, which mostly occurs in the fourth and fifth decades of life, can disrupt normal daily activities (2, 6). RA may cause numerous physical complications among which chronic pain, fatigue, impaired mobility and limb deformities are the major ones (7). RA-induced complications are not limited to apparent limitations in mobility and activities of daily living; but obscure systemic effects of such disease can also lead to organ failure, death or serious health problems such as pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and changes in self-image. Such complications can cause disabilities and permanent changes in the patients (8). The chronic nature of rheumatic diseases necessitates obtaining the required knowledge about the disease to make sound decisions for managing the health condition and developing a treatment plan tailored to the patients lifestyle. Fundamental objectives and strategies to deal with such diseases includesuppressing inflammation and autoimmune response, controlling pain, maintaining or improving joint mobility and functional status as well as increasing the patients’ awareness of the disease process (8). Encouraging patients to adopt correct and proper self-care behaviors is an important factor which contributes to successful management of the disease (9). Self-efficacy also seems extremely important in managing RA.Unpredictable courses of the disease and its varying activity can make the patients find their disease uncontrollable which, in its own turn, can decrease their self-efficacy in managing it (10). Self-efficacy is a form of self-confidence defined as ones belief in ones own ability to successfully organize and accomplish a particular task, behavior or any changes in cognitive status regardless of the underlying terms and conditions (11, 12). It is also a prerequisite for behavior change which affects the amount of efforts and level of performance (13). People with higher levels of self-efficacy hold a belief that they are able to control their life events effectively. Such perception and belief, which can affect their behaviors directly, create a standpoint for them different from that of people with poor self-efficacy (11). Hence, self-efficacy is a critical factorcontributing to the success and failure of people throughout their lives. Individuals’ perceptions of such sense, is the most powerful predictor of their ability to change risky behaviors. It also determines how they face obstacles and difficulties. The people with low self-efficacy are easily convinced that their attempts are useless so they quickly stop striving. However, those with high self-efficacy not only can remove the barriers by improving self-management skills and persistence, but they also can stand against problems and have more control over their affairs. Besides, reinforcing self-efficacy can result in maintaining and preserving health-promoting behaviors (14). Its significant role in the initiation and maintenance of healthy behaviors,in case of occurrence of any disease such as arthritis, asthma and diabetes mellitus occurs, has been frequently reported by researchers (15). Previous studies have shown that using structured education can improve it in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well (16). It is also reported that increased self-efficacy could improve self-care skills and behaviors in the patients with diabetes mellitus (17). The evidence show that it is essential to enable the patients to take care of themselves using scheduled training programs, which are based on patient-centered approaches, including patients’ active participation in improving their quality of life.It is of extreme importance due to several reasons such as priority of prevention to treatment, the chronicity of the disease, shorter hospital stay and spending recovery period at home as well as the problems of access to health care (18-20). Atak et al (2010) reported the significant effect of education and subgroups of regular exercise, choosing healthy diet and controlling complications of the disease on the mean of total self-efficacy scores in the patients with diabetes mellitus (21). Furthermore, the results of another study revealed that education could significantly affect perceived self-efficacy in the patients with arthritis with respect to their ability to exert control over pain; however, it was not significant in terms of shin-related exercises. The researchers justified the lack of educational effects on exercise-related self-efficacy by explaining that training in a limited period of time cannot enhance the patients’ confidence in taking such action due to severe complications such as joint stiffness, pain and inflammation they experienced (22).Ø ªÃƒÅ¡Ã‚ ©ÃƒËœÃ‚ ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ §ÃƒËœÃ‚ ±Ãƒâ€ºÃ…’ Vikery et al conducted a similar study to examine the effect of self-care trainings on disease outcomes. The obtained results showed that self-care training could decrease morbidity, the number of medical visits required and consequently healthcare costs (23). Even a small percentage increase in the self-care of chronic conditions can have major effects on reducing the demand for specialized services in health care (24). Patrich (2008) believe that without training the patients and their participation in their self-care process, health care will be more costly and quality of life will be more impaired (25).Patient training is a vital aspect of nursing care for those with arthritis to enable them to live as independently as possible, take their medications correctly and safely and use assistive devices properly. Such training is focused on the type of disorder, possible changes resulting from the disorder, prescribed treatment regimen, side effects of the medications and strategies to maintain individuals’ independence and performance as well as patients safety at home (8). Several studies showed that training the patients can raise their knowledge and result in the improvement of self-management activities and health status so that they can prepare themselves for decision-making and compliance with the treatment regimen (26). It is worth mentioning that the aim of training the patients with chronic diseases is to sustain their behavior change for a longer period of time and even until the end of life.Due to the nature of the disease, immediate changesare not expected to be seen; for example prompt resolution of disabilities and difficulties is not expected to occur in case of chronic diseases such as arthritis. However, self-management training seems essential and profitable; so, the patients should obtain required knowledge and skills needed for decision-making and solving their own problems and those related to communicating with others (27).
Monday, January 20, 2020
To Be A Slave :: American America History
To Be A Slave The only things that come to my mind when I think of slavery and of the book To be a Slave are either misunderstanding or very negative. During the slavery years, African people were subjected to some of the worst treatments of the history of this planet. They were forced to work for white people as slaves, but that is nothing compared with the treatment they received. Slaves were beaten, mal-nourished, and disrespected as a whole. Slaves were considered as low as the lowest forms of life. They were treated less than some forms of life. They were treated as property that was disposable and replaceable, and I don't understand why this mentality came into the human brain. I sometimes can try to make myself understand how a man could feel that he could own another man. Money and greed is probably the reason that made people feel that they should convince themselves that they are superior to another race. I believe that white people tried to make themselves believe that they were superior, and eventually the idea surfaced that they were superior, even though deep down they knew they were not. Why treatment was so harsh I don't fully understand either. My theory is that the extremely rough treatment given to the Africans was to ensure that the white people would remain "top dog." This could also explain the holocaust, when the Nazis executed millions of innocent people for no apparent reason. They too could have felt threatened by a different society. The only difference is that the Americans didn't necessarily feel threatened by the Africans, but they probably didn't like the fact that they could revolt and free themselves. Intimidation was a very effec tive strategy. Harsh punishment could keep the slaves in-line. However, this thinking could only happen once the idea that White people were superior was firmly, and falsely, imprinted in the slave owner's minds. At first, when slave trading was new in America, I would be willing to assume that punishment was not as harsh. It was probably gradual. Leading to the climax of one of the worst spectacles that the eye of man has beheld.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Competition in video game consoles Essay
Competition in Video Game Consoles: The State of the Battle for Supremacy in 2008 1. What are the strategy-shaping business and economic characteristics of the console segment of the video game industry? What is the industry like? 1-1 Segmentation: The industry was segmented into console hardware, console software (both sales and rentals), handheld hardware, handheld software (both sales and rentals), PC software (both sales and rentals), broadband, interactive TV, and mobile phones. 1-2 Market Size: Table 1: Size of the Global Video Games Markets, by Sector, 2000, 2003, and 2005, with Projections for 2010 ($ in millions) | 2000| 2003| 2005| 2010| Console hardware| $ 4,791| $6,047| $3,894| $5,771| Console Software (both sales and rentals)| 9,451| 16,449| 13,055| 17,164| Handheld hardware| 1,945| 1,501| 3,855| 1,715| Handheld software(both sales and rentals)| 2,872| 2,238| 4,829| 3,113| PC software (both sales and rentals)| 5,077| 3,806| 4,313| 2,955| Broadband| 70| 497| 1,944| 6,352| Interactive TV| 81| 249| 786| 3,037| Mobile phones| 65| 587| 2,572| 11,186| | 24,352| 31,370| 35,248| 51,292|. Source: Informa Telecoms & Media, â€Å"Games Market to Score Big in 2007,†press release, October 24, 2005, and â€Å"Games Industry Boom Continues,†press release July 24, 2003, both at www. informamedia. com (accessed September 8, 2006). As we can see the table above, the market size has grown from $24. 352 billion in 2000 to $51. 292 billion in 2010. In other words, the video game market becomes bigger and bigger. 1-3 Market growth rate Table 2 Compounded Annual Growth Rates For the Video Game Industry 2000 – 2005 and 2005 – 2010 (projected) | CAGR (2000-2005)| CAGR (2005-2010)| Console Hardware| -4. 1%| 8. 2%|. Console Software (both sales & rentals)| 6. 7%| 5. 6%| Handheld hardware| 14. 7%| -14. 96%| Handheld software (both sales & rentals)| 10. 95%| -8. 4%| PC software (both sales & rentals)| -3. 2%| -7. 3%| Broadband| 94. 4%| 26. 7%| Interactive TV| 57. 5%| 31. 04%| Mobile Phone| 108. 7%| 34. 2%| Total| 7. 7%| 7. 8%| CAGR is compound annual growth rate. The formula is(VtnVt0)1tn-t0-1. V (t0): start value, V (tn): finish value, tn ? t0: number of years. The numbers above are calculated from table 1. 1-4 Entry/Exit barriers The three existing companies are one of the entry barriers of other potential companies that would like to enter this market. Video game industry needs huge capital to invest on research and development department. Also, the entrants need to recruit skillful engineers and other talent staff to develop the products and make efficient marketing strategies. Combinations of all the entry elements, the entry barriers level is high for the perspective entrants. However, the software development is easier to enter this market than the hardware part. Potential entrants only need to focus on the software for the existing companies’ hardware products. This will have less cost than develop entire hardware and software. 1-5 Scope of rivalry. Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are the three main companies in the video game industry. Before 2001, there was one more competitor, Sega, in the market. It tried to compete with Nintendo and Sony but it finally was out of the industry in 2001. After 2001, video game industry has entered new war. Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft compete with each other by gaining sales and increasing installed base. Play Station 2 from Sony has significant unit sold in $299 each; however, its newest generation, Play Station 3 has not successful result in the market. Play Station 3 was beaten by Xbox and Wii which are from Microsoft and Nintendo respectively. As the result, Nintendo and Microsoft were substitute Sony to compete the leadership position in recent year. In addition, the retails which those three main companies sold their products in are in the price competition. Furthermore, console technology, online gaming, and mobile gaming has gradually changed the competitive situation. The impressive technologies become important for the competitive companies to develop new generation console. Also, game software enter new world which the internet is common, so the online game is on the trend that is expected to continue to increase in market. According to the mobile phone using population increasing, the games are installed in the mobile phone are in the increasing trend also. In short, the video game industry rivalry has become fierce. 1-6 Scale economies According to produce the entire console hardware, a company cannot manufacture all components by itself. Therefore, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo would like to produce large amount of console hardware to reduce the costs. They choose to ally with IBM, maker of GPUs or Intel to get components to assemble their console. Because those ally companies need to offer not only one buyer, they can produce large volume for the buyers. Thus, the price would be reduced by huge amount of production. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo can through this way to reduce the production cost and reach the economy scale. 1-7 Consumer characteristic. There are 300 million population played video games which include console system, handheld devices, and mobile phone all over the world in 2008. Most of them are preteens, teenagers, and young adult who are between 20 and 40 year-old. In 2005, the average age of players is 33 in US and there are 25% of gamers who were over 50. In addition, there are 31% of all gamers are under 18 and there are 44% of players were 1 to 49 year-old in 2005. Moreover, there is 62% of players are males. 2. What is competition like in the video game system industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants? 2-1 * The bargaining power and leverage of buyersâ€â€a __weak_______ competitive force First of all, retailers almost do not have bargain power because they only can buy the products in those three companies. A retailer cannot buy the product from other companies and they may need to sell more than one brand to attract different customers taste. Therefore, they only have low bargain power. * The bargaining power and leverage of suppliersâ€â€a ____moderate_____ competitive force Although it is easy for video game companies, such as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, to switch the suppliers, the large suppler still contain bargain power. The bargain powers come from special technology, unique parts, and risk of quality control. The small suppliers cannot guarantee the quality of products. Moreover, if those video game companies require unique components, then the suppliers may have bigger power to bargain. In short, the hardware component suppliers have bargain power but the video game companies have ability to change suppliers also although it is not very easy. In addition, video game software suppliers are in the different situation which compares with hardware suppliers. Software suppliers may have bargain power if they make a very wonderful game or they can bargain for the sales of hardware volume. If the sales of hardware console are not good, the software companies may not be willing to produce the software games. However, those video game companies have abilities to produce the software. They can publish their own game software. Therefore, software suppliers may not have bargain power as strong as hardware suppliers. In short, integrate hardware and software suppliers’ competitive forces. Suppliers have moderate bargaining power. * Competition from substitutesâ€â€a __weak to moderate______ competitive force Video game is for people to spend their leisure time. Except video games, people can do outdoor activities, board games, watching TV, seeing movies†¦etc. for their free time. Those activities may not instead of the feeling of playing video games but this depends on how video game players like to play video game. According to the data, video game enthusiasts can spend 6 hours per week to play video games. Therefore, those people usually do not do other activities in their free time. In short, there is no activities totally the same with video game but there are still other things that players can do to instead video game. Thus, the substitute force is low to moderate. * Threat of entryâ€â€a __weak_______ competitive force. Due to the entry barriers, it is not easy to enter this industry. The requirements of entry are high. In order to enter video game industry, entrants need to invest large capital and possess enough technologic skills to compete with the existing companies. Furthermore, the existing companies have higher ability to stay in the industry and have strong competitive products to threaten new entrants. Consequently, the threat of new entry has weak competitive force. * Rivalry among competing video game console producersâ€â€a __Strong_______ competitive force There is strong rivalry within the industry. As we can see, Sega was forced to withdraw from the industry in 2001. The existing three companies have started competing with each other keenly. They continue to develop their products, to compete sales volumes and price. As long as one of them does not pay attention to each other action, they may lose a lot. Therefore, the competing within video game console producers is strong. 2-2 The strongest competitive force is rivalry among competing video game console producers. The weakest competitive force is threat of entry. The competition from substitute is the greatest effect on industry. Because there are no substitutes which can provide totally the same experience for consumers, this is the greatest attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants. 3. How is the video game system industry changing? What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those driving forces individually or collectively change competition in the industry? Driving forces will include: * Product innovation The development of software and hardware of console is an important driver to push the industry to change. New technologies can attract individual buyers to purchase. The enthusiastic consumers may want to obtain newest games, so they may be easy to change their favorites. Also, new development can force other producers to improve their products. A new innovation product can be success in the industry. Then, it may give pressure to other competitors to improve their products. Therefore, product innovation is a driver of change. * Emergence of new video game devices The new video game devices are a driver to let the producers to change their products because new devices may improve the products and may be a trigger of consumers’ willing to buy. When a new device comes out, a producer does not catch up the trend and then it may be kicked out the market. Moreover, a new device may become a trend in the industry and may trigger a new competition war. * Emergence of internet-based video games Internet-based video games allow multiplayers at the same time. Also, the players may change their purchasing pattern. Internet is convenience for the consumers to purchase new games and has accompanies to play games device so it will enhance the products become more vivid and convenience to possess. Therefore, internet-bas video games become a trend in the industry. The major players of industry have started to develop their products to allow users to player through wireless networking. Therefore, the producers are making change to fit the consumers’ new using and purchasing pattern. * The buyer characteristics The players characteristics are gradually change. There are more young adults and female to become players. This trend attracts the producers to consider the buyers age and gender. They have started to design the console and games to match those buyer segment needs. For example, the goal of Wii is even mom can know how to play it. Therefore, the consumers’ segment change can impact the industry trend and push the major industry players to change the design to feed the different segment of players. * The aspect of society The aspect of society is change in this decade. Parents are willing to accompany their kids to play video games. They think some video games can let people to use their brains to think and some video games can help people to do exercises. For example, some games may use particular barriers that push players to figure out what element they need for enter the other stages. Moreover, many sport games of Wii are required users to move their body. Thus, many people think that video games do not only require users to stick in front of the screens and just move the fingers but also require users to operate their brains and move their bodies. Therefore, many video game console producers have started to change their design to fit more potential customers’ needs. 4. What does your strategic group map of the video game industry (all segments) look like? Which strategic groups do you think are in the best positions? The worst positions? Types of Video Game Suppliers/Distribution Channels. Strategic Group Map of the Video Game Industry Arcades Machine Arcade operators Home PC game suppliers Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo Home PCs Video Game Consoles Several online game site: MSN game zone†¦etc. Online Video Game Sites Low Medium High Cost to Players of Video Games Arcade operators can distribute for the arcade machine and little part for home PC use. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo produce games that can be use on home PC, video game consoles and online games. The online video game supplier may distribute the games to online use and may have little part for video game console use. Arcade game costs players very little. Sometimes it just cost few coins to play and players do not need to buy the machine back to homes. Home PC game players have to buy PC and they just can play the games or they may need to go to some Internet bars. Therefore, the cost is highest. Video game console cost players around $100 to $400 to purchase a hardware console. For the online video game sites, they may just cost few dollars from players to download the games. 5. What key factors determine the success for video game console producers? Factors that are necessary for competitive success in the console segment of the video game industry include: * Large installed base While the installed base is getting more and more, the producer company could be profit from the increasing installed base if the producer develops its internal game capabilities. Nintendo and Microsoft have this strategy. Nintendo has published many popular games and those software operating profit margins contribute around 35% to 40 % of Nintendo’s profitability. Also, independent game publishers also benefit from the large installed base because they can have increasing continuous sales. * Technological capabilities According to the improvement of technologies, every industry players are eager to develop the new products that the new technologies ameliorate them. This is because consumers have required more and more functions and quality of the products. They want high definition, easy to use†¦ etc from the products; therefore, every producer is entering the technological capabilities war. The technological abilities can help producers offer better products to attract customers to purchase. * Partnerships with independent software developers. Those software developers are important for the hardware game console producers because there is no fun without game software. Many players have â€Å"must have list. †This is just like the fashion world. People who pay attention on fashion trend know what should be had. Thus, â€Å"must have list†is the fashion trend in the video game industry. Therefore, partnerships with independent software developers are one of key factor that can push the video game console producer to succeed. Those partners can develop the popular software to urge the sales of video game console producers. * Acceptable development and production costs The price of the console should be reasonable for consumers. If the price is too high, the product may be like PS3 to fail in the market. Because Sony spent a lot on developing the better technologic component for PS3, it priced PS3 in $499 and $599 each to charge customers. However, the new design of PS3 did not completion yet at the launched time because PS3 had only 24 PS3 game title can backward compatible with PlayStation and PS2. The development of PS3 is not acceptable and blue-ray technology was too expensive. Therefore, the incompletion development and high production costs are transferred to consumers. The result is PS3 fail. In short, acceptable development and production costs are one of the factors can determine video game console producer will succeed or not. * Access to distribution Retailer distribution: this is the common distribution channel of hardware and software console. Those retail stores, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Best-Buy, Flyer’s and Amazon, have high consumers’ density. Due to the development of internet use, online retailers become popular and contain powerful sales. Online download: Because of internet-base becomes a trend, many console producers have developed the online gaming. Hence, internet becomes a potential way to distribute the online game products. Product variety: Some video game producers have variety products. For example: Nintendo produces hardware console and software console game. The software console game cannot only use in Wii but also can use in PC, PS2, or other hardware console. Thus, as a software game publisher, Nintendo access to more than one distribution for its software game. In short, how to access to more distribution is also one successful factor of video game console producers. 6. Which console makers seem to be best able to perform the industry’s key success factors and other measures of competitive strength? What ratings do Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo merit in a competitive strength assessment? | ImportanceWeight| SonyStrengthRating| SonyStrengthScore| MicrosoftStrength Rating| Microsoft StrengthScore| NintendoStrengthRating| NintendoStrengthScore| Large installed base| 0. 25| 7| 1. 75| 6| 1. 50| 9| 2. 25|. Technologicalcapabilities| 0 . 15| 9| 1. 35| 9| 1. 35| 7| 1.05| Partnership with independent software developer| 0. 15| 8| 1. 20| 8| 1. 20| 8| 1. 20| Acceptable development and production costs| 0. 25| 6| 1. 50| 7| 1. 75| 8| 2. 00| Access to distribution| 0. 20| 8| 1. 60| 8| 1. 60| 9| 1. 80| Sum| 1. 00| | 7. 4| | 7. 4| | 8. 3| (Rating Scale: 1=very weak; 10=very strong) General speaking, Sony with PS2 has performance very well in the industry. However, Xbox had beaten Sony’s PS3. Then Nintendo’s Wii has very strong performance to become industry leader. Thus, Nintendo seems to have best performance in the industry. The table above shows the ratings and scores of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft have the same score, 7. 4 and Nintendo has higher score, 8. 3. Although Nintendo do not have strong technological capabilities, it has powerful marketing strategic and variety products to access more distribution. Its product can reach more population to use and weaker technological capabilities become its strength to increase the sales volume. Therefore, I gave rating 8 for the acceptable development and production costs which is higher than Sony and Microsoft. Therefore, the overall rating of Nintendo shows that it has best performance in the industry. 7. What recommendations would you make to Microsoft to win the next generation battle in the video game console industry? to Sony? to Nintendo? Microsoft According to the revenue data, we can see Microsoft has less revenue than Sony and Nintendo. Also the sale unit of Microsoft products are not as mane as Sony and Nintendo. Therefore, I recommend that Microsoft should increase sale volume of its products. Xbox may be popular in America but how about Asia? Asia is a potential place to increase the sale. Therefore, Microsoft may need to create the new generation product can fit more population taste. Sony Sony should remember the lesson of launching PS3. Although it had pressure to launch PS3 earlier, the product was not ready yet to public. This situation can drag more profit down than launching PS3 later. Therefore, I recommend that Sony should make the marketing plan well and prepare more than one back up plan to face the rivals’ new products. Sony should have ability to predict or estimate actions of competitors. Nintendo Nintendo has strong performance of its Wii. Wii is design to reach more population so the key features of Wii are not as strong as Sony Play Station and Microsoft Xbox. Now, Wii has been successful to reach more population, and then I will recommend that Nintendo should figure out how to improve its technological abilities. The consumers cannot be always satisfied with the simple designs. Moreover, Nintendo has famous software game such as Mario Brothers. The game is many people childhood memories. Nintendo could make serial products for the special anniversary of Mario Brothers. Many people would like to collect the serial products, such as the first generation Mario Brother game. This is Nintendo’s strength and Nintendo should use it.
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